Sun exposure is a serious subject, and rightly so. Skin cancer is now the number 1 killing cancer in the U.S. It affects more people than all other cancers combined. The Skin Cancer Foundation estimates that 1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. Just one childhood or adolescent sunburn doubles your [...]
Battle Mosquitos With A Natural Repellant
I have been waiting for warmer weather all winter long. Of course, warm weather often brings mosquitos. With a little planning, you’ll be able to avoid the sting of these little pests with the use of some natural methods. History has shown us that mosquito and bug repellents are filled with controversial ingredients, some like DDT and [...]
First Aid the Natural Way
I knew summer was almost here when my four-year old came in the house with two scraped knees, his brother an hour later with a sliver . The biggest change I make in first aid supplies this time of year is simply buying more band-aids for my portable oils case. I also stock up [...]
10 Easy Things to do Today to Help You and Your Family Be Healthier
Most people want to be healthier but just don’t know where to start. This list is filled with easy principles you can start to do right now. They don’t require special equipment or trips to the health food store. They are easy and practical. Give yourself credit for starting with small changes that will impact [...]
Ants Steer Clear of Essential Oils
It’s been a long winter and I’ve looked forward to Spring. I admit that this year more than ever I’ve anticipated the bloom of daffodils and tulips, the green grass and the budding trees. Then the ants appeared, in my breakfast room. I had forgotten how they had gotten comfortable in my dining area last [...]
Detoxzyme Helpful With Heavy Metal Cleansing
A couple days of ago I started some heavy metal cleansing under the guidance of my medical doctor who is also a holistic practitioner. The first step in this process is determining what levels of heavy metals are in my body, then prescribing a course of action to deal with unhealthy levels. Heavy metals can [...]
Decadent Gluten-Free Brownies
Since I’ve given up wheat products not only do I have more energy, I have improved mental clarity and just feel better overall. This recipe uses coconut flour which is high in protein – combined with 6 eggs, this is a brownie you can enjoy, guilt-free. I’ve even allowed my kids to eat one before breakfast [...]
Make Your Own Essential Oil Air Fresheners, The Only Safe Way To Add Fragrance To Your Home and Body
Synthetic air fresheners are some of the most toxic substances you can expose yourself to. The chemicals used in artificial fragrance have been linked to hormone disruption, endocrine system disruption, asthma and attention disorders. The good news is they are easy to replace. Save yourself time and money when you make your own air fresheners [...]
The Best Anti-Aging Essential Oils Promote Longevity
What essential oils offer the best anti-aging properties? Several have withstood the test of time and continue to be a part of many cultures. Americans are finally seeing the value in these therapeutic substances that other cultures have embraced for centuries. The use of essential oils dates back to the beginning of time, some of the earliest [...]
7 Habits of Healthy People: Are You Following The Crowd, or Doing What Is Best For You?
Health is not an endpoint, a one time goal to be achieved. Rather, it is a lifestyle built upon choices made every day. Being a healthy person is also not just about weight, but encompasses your entire being - your physical, spiritual and emotional being including your attitudes toward others, your personal confidence and outlook on life. [...]
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