
7 Habits of Healthy People: Are You Following The Crowd, or Doing What Is Best For You?

Health is not an endpoint, a one time goal to be achieved.  Rather, it is a lifestyle built upon choices made every day.  Being a healthy person is also not just about weight, but encompasses your entire being -  your physical, spiritual and emotional being including your attitudes toward others, your personal confidence and outlook on life.  Health is a full package deal, not just the wrappings on the outside.   Achieving health also means being real with yourself and setting realistic goals.

  1. Healthy people practice moderation and self-control in all they do whether in the foods they eat or the activities they participate in.  Their perspectives are balanced, not living on either end of the spectrum: either oblivious to risk factors in their lives or fearful of exposure to anything questionable so they are paralyzed to really enjoy life.
  2. Healthy people are aware of what they put into and on their body:  eating nutritious foods, making low-toxin choices in home, health & beauty products.  
  3. They exercise regularly  3-5 times a week.  Ideally, a variety of exercises:  cardiovascular and mind/body (yoga, pilates, tai chi, qi gong)  to keep the heart healthy and to manage daily stress.
  4. Healthy people have a positive outlook on life.  They think of the glass as half full.  Research continues to show stress can have a negative effect on our bodies, this includes self-induced stress from negative thinking.   Anything is possible if you just put your mind to it!
  5. Healthy people have Common Sense . They are not quick to try trendy diets and gimmicky supplements.  Healthy people look before they leap and research some before they jump into a new program.   They don’t just participate in the latest trends because “everbody is doing it”.
  6. Healthy people only do what is best for their bodies.  We have so much information in our culture to know what is harmful to us.  Healthy people do not smoke, drink excess alcohol or use drugs.  Healthy people get help when they need it and build support in their lives to overcome past addictions to harmful substances and behaviors.  This includes choosing friends who are healthy and limiting time spent with those who influence unhealthy behaviors.  Surround yourself with positive people if you want to be healthy physically and emotionally.  Healthy people listen to their bodies and respond when they are tired, hungry, stressed or injured.
  7. Healthy people make no excuses.  They choose a course of action, then do it.  This may be related to exercise or just life in general.  Healthy people make goals and follow through on their plans with perseverance.  Are you living a life of excuses?  What are your goals?  What is holding you back from achieving the goals you desire?  If they are important to you, make them a priority.   Write down your goals and leave them where you can see them.  Look at every choice you have in a day.  If any of those choices are optional and they do not align with your goals,  don’t do it.

Your time is valuable.  Make choices that will help lead you to the life you’d like whether in business,  personal, emotional or physical.  Being healthy is not just about your physical body, it is also about our emotional health: discipline, self-control and balance.  Grace is involved because healthy people are not legalistic about how they live their lives.  They do not let the daily ebbs and flows of life throw them off course in their journey to wellness, purpose and abundance.  They don’t make excuses, they just make the best choices they can every minute of every day with whatever options they have.  This is an art, something acquired over time with practice and experience.  These are not skills you can just order through Amazon, but they can be learned.  The key to many of these is to be true to yourself.  If you have a herd mentality and go with the crowd on many things, you need to start listening to your own self.  Only then will you be truly healthy.  You can make reasonable goals and a plan to achieve those goals that are personal and meaningful to yourself.   Your health is your wealth, so spend it wisely.


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