Synthetic air fresheners are some of the most toxic substances you can expose yourself to. The chemicals used in artificial fragrance have been linked to hormone disruption, endocrine system disruption, asthma and attention disorders. The good news is they are easy to replace. Save yourself time and money when you make your own air fresheners [...]
Make Your Own Essential Oil Air Fresheners, The Only Safe Way To Add Fragrance To Your Home and Body
The Best Anti-Aging Essential Oils Promote Longevity
What essential oils offer the best anti-aging properties? Several have withstood the test of time and continue to be a part of many cultures. Americans are finally seeing the value in these therapeutic substances that other cultures have embraced for centuries. The use of essential oils dates back to the beginning of time, some of the earliest [...]
7 Habits of Healthy People: Are You Following The Crowd, or Doing What Is Best For You?
Health is not an endpoint, a one time goal to be achieved. Rather, it is a lifestyle built upon choices made every day. Being a healthy person is also not just about weight, but encompasses your entire being - your physical, spiritual and emotional being including your attitudes toward others, your personal confidence and outlook on life. [...]
The Biggest Fish May Not Be The Best Fish For An Omega-3 Source
Size does matter when it comes to fish, but it may not be what you think. Especially if you are shopping for Omega 3 fish oils. Smaller fish are the favorite when it comes to fish oil supplements. Larger fish tend to accumulate more heavy metals like mercury and PCB’s (Polychlorinated biphenyls). PCB’s are a group of chemicals shown in [...]
Options For Drug-Free Headache Relief
In our family we have chosen to try these drug-free options for headache relief, simply because I’d rather save harsh drugs like ibuprofen as a last resort to pain relief. We have managed headaches and many other aches and pains with essential oils and avoided potential kidney and liver damage from overuse of questionable ingredients in [...]
The Perfect Asthma Storm, Calmed With Essential Oils
I have suffered allergies my whole life, receiving a full round of allergy shots by age 7. I still remember my doctor telling my mom I was allergic to anything with hair. I managed my allergies just fine, with an occasional itchy nose or runny eyes, taking an antihistamine once in a while and we [...]
Essential Oils for Anxiety, Depression & Attention Disorders
Anxiety, depression and attention disorders are on the rise. I believe the causes are two-fold, first simply because we live in a culture saturated with unimportant things. We have thousands of choices we can make every day, from the foods we eat to products for our home and health. Marketing campaigns reach for our hearts, [...]
Get Your Best ZZZ’s With RutaVaLa
Ruta VaLa is a newer oil blend created by Gary Young. It contains Ruta Gaveolens, Valerian, Lavender and Chamomile essential oils. Also known as “Ruta”, this essential oil comes from the plant Ruta-Gaveolens found in Latin S. America. It originally became well known as a food flavoring agent for cheese because it prevented mold growth. [...]
Tis the season for ….Indigestion
Christmas time, the most wonderful time of the year. Friends + family + parties + rich foods + overindulgence = indigestion. We are a culture marked by consumerism, marketing and overindulgence. Now I’m not trying to be a Scrooge, but the facts are there is growing rate of obesity in the U.S. makes it clear [...]
Cough Relief With Essential Oils
My most recent check on Amazon for “cough medicine” indicated 1242 options. Expectorants, suppressants, decongestants, non-drowsy, you get the picture. The back of the label will most likely be filled with side effect and cautionary information. Our family deals with coughs from colds and allergies naturally without all the man-made chemicals found in these over [...]
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