
Cleansing: What Vitamins & Supplements Do You Really Need? Taking the Guesswork out of oils & supplements

How  do you determine what vitamins and supplements you need on a day to day basis?  As part of cleansing I encourage you to take inventory of the vitamins, supplements and prescription drugs you are taking.   Many people buy supplements blindly or go with the crowd, what seems to be in the media most.  Recently, fish & flax oil seem to be what everyone recommends -  I happen to be allergic (anaphalactic shock allergic) to flax oil so this is not an option for me.  I also have been through phases of my life where I was taking a multitude of supplements:  multi-vitamins, extra C, calcium/magnesium, fish oil, and more…. and that was when my immune system was strong!  Some days I just couldn’t stomach all those pills.  I still don’t like it – and I wasn’t always sure I was taking what I really needed.  Our grocery & health food stores are also filled with vitamin enhanced foods, snacks and beverages so you should proceed with caution when adding extra vitamins to your daily diet especially in fortified foods like snack bars.   Since then, I have found a number of tools that help me determine what I need at any given time.  This way I am not taking vitamins & supplements blindly, and possibly doing some damage if I’m taking something my body does not need or too much of any given vitamin.   Ideally, I want to get most of my nourishment from whole, real food, not a bunch of pills and supplements.   Doing a little research has helped me take the vitamins and supplements best suited for me.    This saves me not only a stomach ache, but a lot of money buying just what I need.

There are a number of methods of determining what your body needs:  blood tests, hair analysis, biofeedback, etc.  Since many of these are pretty complex, I will be only focusing on one area at this time:  Biofeedback.  In the simplest explanation, biofeedback collects biological data from your body, analyzes it and then provides information about what your body needs at that given time.   There are differing views on biofeedback so if you do some research, make sure you gather all the specifics to make sure you are comparing apples to apples.  There are processes in our marketplace called “biofeedback” that are not comparable to the information included in what I am discussing here.  For clarity, I will be focusing on the Zyto Compass technology in this article.

The Zyto Compass technology relies on Galvanic Skin Response technology, (similar to lie detector tests) sensing how the body is responding to outside stressors in this case the stimuli is generated from the Compass unit.   Data is collected from 76 different body markers and ranked by priority to determine what needs a body has.   From this data, the Compass unit can further recommend specific products from Young Living that will balance the body out.  I have used this technology myself and found it accurately assessing what I needed to bring balance to my body.   I’ve also used it on everyone in my family including assessment for acute situations like colds & flu.  I have personally used the Compass in my family to determine what Young Living products to use for acute situations like headache, nausea, earache, sinusitis and flu. 

The Zyto technology has 95% proven accuracy and is used by over 5,000 doctors in various medical settings.  The Zyto technology can be used by people of all ages, including children, to detect what oils and supplements they need to bring them back into balance.    If you are interested in learning more about this technology or to have an assessment , you can contact me via email at http://purehomeandbody.com/contact-information/.   If you would like to purchase your own Zyto Compass for home use, check out my Resources page.

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