With six children in our home we have the potential for a lot of germ exchange. I must say though, we have never had a bug that has gone from one person to the next through the whole family. I know it has not been luck that has help us evade the transmission of illness [...]
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Essential Defense For Colds and Flu
By on November 12, 2011 in Asthma, Breathe Again Roll-On, Building Immunity, Children, Clove, Colds & Flu, Coughs, Diffusing, Fever, Headaches, Influenza, Inhaling, Lemon, Nausea, Ningxia Red, Peppermint, Purification, R.C, Raven, Sinus & chest congestion, Sore throat, Thieves
Treating a fever with lavender and peppermint oils
In the U.S. we have the option of taking a drug or medications at the first sign of a symptom to take this symptom away or mask it until it might go away on it’s own. Take a fever, for example. My mother was an RN and we have an ongoing discussion about how to [...]
Managing a fever with lavender and peppermint oils
In the U.S. we have the option of taking a drug or medications at the first sign of a symptom to take this symptom away or mask it until it might go away on it’s own. Take a fever, for example. My mother was an RN and we have an ongoing discussion about how to [...]
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