With six children in our home we have the potential for a lot of germ exchange. I must say though, we have never had a bug that has gone from one person to the next through the whole family. I know it has not been luck that has help us evade the transmission of illness [...]
Essential Defense For Colds and Flu
Best Body Care Products To Disrupt Hormones and Contribute to Thyroid Imbalance
This past summer my husband received some product samples when he participated in a triathlon. My first instinct with any new body care product I see is to look at the ingredients, just as if I was shopping for foods, and frankly I was shocked to find questionable ingredients in this body care product. Most [...]
Essential Oils Powerful Against Listeria Bacteria
The government is determined to protect Americans from food borne illness. Yet, despite the FDA’s efforts to monitor and improve the processing of the public food supply, we continue to experience outbreaks of bacteria on fresh and processed foods. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are on the rise, and there continues to be food contamination in unexpected [...]
The Best Anti-Aging Essential Oils Promote Longevity
What essential oils offer the best anti-aging properties? Several have withstood the test of time and continue to be a part of many cultures. Americans are finally seeing the value in these therapeutic substances that other cultures have embraced for centuries. The use of essential oils dates back to the beginning of time, some of the earliest [...]
The Biggest Fish May Not Be The Best Fish For An Omega-3 Source
Size does matter when it comes to fish, but it may not be what you think. Especially if you are shopping for Omega 3 fish oils. Smaller fish are the favorite when it comes to fish oil supplements. Larger fish tend to accumulate more heavy metals like mercury and PCB’s (Polychlorinated biphenyls). PCB’s are a group of chemicals shown in [...]
Therapeutic Grade clove essential oil is distilled from the budof the plant (Syzygium aromaticum). Inferior oils can be distilled from the stems and leaves. The average nose could not discern the difference between oils distilled from leaves and stems versus the clove bud. The difference would be in the results the essential oil may or may [...]
Using Essential Oils
Essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with great care. Stronger oils like clove, cinnamon and basil are hot oils and should always be diluted before using. Thinner skin like on the face and neck may require the dilution of oils more likely than the palm of the hand or bottoms of the [...]
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