With six children in our home we have the potential for a lot of germ exchange. I must say though, we have never had a bug that has gone from one person to the next through the whole family. I know it has not been luck that has help us evade the transmission of illness [...]
Essential Defense For Colds and Flu
Melissa Essential Oil Calms Nerves
There are thousands of articles researching the benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils. Melissa officinalis is no exception. This rare oil is highly beneficial and has been found effective in research involving Alzheimer’s patients, children with nervous dyskoimesis (trouble falling asleep), and stressed adults. Therapeutic Grade Melissa essential oil comes from the melissa officinalis plant, [...]
Best Body Care Products To Disrupt Hormones and Contribute to Thyroid Imbalance
This past summer my husband received some product samples when he participated in a triathlon. My first instinct with any new body care product I see is to look at the ingredients, just as if I was shopping for foods, and frankly I was shocked to find questionable ingredients in this body care product. Most [...]
Essential Oils Powerful Against Listeria Bacteria
The government is determined to protect Americans from food borne illness. Yet, despite the FDA’s efforts to monitor and improve the processing of the public food supply, we continue to experience outbreaks of bacteria on fresh and processed foods. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are on the rise, and there continues to be food contamination in unexpected [...]
*Thieves Class Materials
Here is a great snippet of a Thieves webinar, 23 minutes packed with information In addition, here is a handout on 100 uses of Thieves. Class attendees can get Thieves products for wholesale (24% off retail) or retail. For wholesale pricing, they just need to purchase a Start Living Kit (see flier) One of [...]
Make Your Own Lotion With 3 Simple Ingredients
Skin care is big business, accounting for millions of dollars in sales each year. According to IBISWorld the cosmetic and skin care industries are very competitive. As a result, companies are relying on new product introductions to grow their business. For the consumer, this means “new & improved” patented ingredients, more chemicals and toxins with [...]
Battle Mosquitos With A Natural Repellant
I have been waiting for warmer weather all winter long. Of course, warm weather often brings mosquitos. With a little planning, you’ll be able to avoid the sting of these little pests with the use of some natural methods. History has shown us that mosquito and bug repellents are filled with controversial ingredients, some like DDT and [...]
Make Your Own Essential Oil Air Fresheners, The Only Safe Way To Add Fragrance To Your Home and Body
Synthetic air fresheners are some of the most toxic substances you can expose yourself to. The chemicals used in artificial fragrance have been linked to hormone disruption, endocrine system disruption, asthma and attention disorders. The good news is they are easy to replace. Save yourself time and money when you make your own air fresheners [...]
Thieves is a Young Living blend of clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon and Eucalyptus Radiata. This blend is one of Young Living’s most powerful combinations and is highly anti-viral and anti-bacterial. The Four Thieves Vinegar was Gary Young’s inspiration to create this potent anti-bacterial blend. Diffuse this oil to kill airborne bacteria. Studies at Weber [...]
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