If you knew lead was in a product you used, would you still use it? The Washington Post just released an article on 400 lipstick samples that contain lead. The FDA has been studying lead levels in lipstick . In fact, their original studies go back at least to 2007 when lead was found in [...]
Pamper Your Skin With Rose Petals
Many cultures have embraced luxurious body treatments for centuries, typically reserved for royalty. Queen Esther in the Bible applied myrrh oil to her skin every day for 6 months just to prepare herself before she was presented to the king. You don’t have to be a queen, or king to benefit from some soothing skin [...]
Essential Oils Are The Fine Wines of Personal Care
Therapeutic grade essential oils are even more precious than many fine wines, they are powerful, a substance you can benefit from in just 1 drop! But only if they are crafted properly. Essential oils are volatile liquids distilled from trees, plants, shrubs, flowers and roots. Like wine, each oil requires careful preparation, nurturing and processing [...]
Is Your Deodorant Working?
Our culture is saturated with fragrance, many Americans preoccupied with avoiding body odor. Unfortunately, synthetic fragrance is loaded with chemicals and research continues to show more and more it is harmful not only to adults but to children, even unborn babies. The funny thing is often our body odor is reflective of the toxins we [...]
Best Body Care Products To Disrupt Hormones and Contribute to Thyroid Imbalance
This past summer my husband received some product samples when he participated in a triathlon. My first instinct with any new body care product I see is to look at the ingredients, just as if I was shopping for foods, and frankly I was shocked to find questionable ingredients in this body care product. Most [...]
*Natural Skin Care
Here are materials I’ve put together to teach a skin care class with Young Living products. We have a superior line of facial care, with no trendy ingredients. Young Living bases it’s skin care products on the use of Therapeutic Grade essential oils, the purest products available from nature to nurture healthy, radiant skin. I [...]
Nanoparticles In Skin Care Not Worth The Risk
In my last article I mentioned non-nano zinc oxide as an ingredient in making your own sunscreen. I’ve gotten many questions asking what is nano-zinc oxide, which this article will cover. Nanoparticles have been used since the mid 1980′s, originally in scientific equipment like microscopes. Recently, nanoparticles have been introduced to consumer products (for example [...]
Make Your Own Lotion With 3 Simple Ingredients
Skin care is big business, accounting for millions of dollars in sales each year. According to IBISWorld the cosmetic and skin care industries are very competitive. As a result, companies are relying on new product introductions to grow their business. For the consumer, this means “new & improved” patented ingredients, more chemicals and toxins with [...]
Is Your Sunscreen Safest For Indoor Use Only?
Sun exposure is a serious subject, and rightly so. Skin cancer is now the number 1 killing cancer in the U.S. It affects more people than all other cancers combined. The Skin Cancer Foundation estimates that 1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. Just one childhood or adolescent sunburn doubles your [...]
Battle Mosquitos With A Natural Repellant
I have been waiting for warmer weather all winter long. Of course, warm weather often brings mosquitos. With a little planning, you’ll be able to avoid the sting of these little pests with the use of some natural methods. History has shown us that mosquito and bug repellents are filled with controversial ingredients, some like DDT and [...]
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